“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Why Give?
One of the great diagnostics to see what we really love is to look at our bank accounts. Where do we spend the most money? This is usually a good indicator of what we value. How much do we spend on our food, our work, our clothes, our house, our image, our comfort - what about hospitality to those who cannot repay us? How do we support the teaching and preaching of the gospel? Do we give to our neighbors in need? Or our local community?
The practice of tithing in Scripture is a practical way for all of us to worship God as Lord (Matthew 6:24). Through giving, we learn to love what God loves (Micah 6:8) and to preach the good news of Jesus Christ to our hearts: He who was rich beyond all splendor, all for our sakes became as poor (2 Corinthians 8:9).
Our Motives
Through Christ, God demonstrates how much He really loves us and this is why we give. Not to put money into some cosmic vending machine, but to love God and love our neighbor.
Click the button above or use the Give tab in Church Center to give by debit/credit card or ACH from your bank. You can set-up recurring gifts and also opt to cover the processing fees.
Your gift goes toward the ongoing ministry of Redeemer Presbyterian Church and is tax deductible.
Popular local banks, like the following, will also allow you to set up reoccurring donations.