Nursery is available during the Sunday School hour for birth through two years in the Blue Room.
Nursery is available during the Children’s Church hour for birth up to two years old in the Blue Room.
In addition, a nursing mother’s room is available for mothers and their babies off of the Sanctuary.
Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School classes are offered for 3yrs-5th grade every Sunday from 9:00-9:45am in their respective classrooms. The Biggest Story curriculum is used.
Orange Room: for children 3-5 years
Yellow Room: for children in 1st-2nd grade
Attic: for children in 3rd-5th grade
Children’s Church
Following the Pastoral prayer, “We Pray for the Church and the World,” children ages (3-5) are invited to a time of teaching in the children’s area. Children are always welcome to remain in the sanctuary for the entire worship service. Clipboards are provided on the back table for them to use for coloring. Following the service, parents should come pick up their children from their respective classrooms.
Our Child Care Team
We love the children in our community and take their well-being seriously. Volunteers are background checked and child protection policies and procedures are regularly enforced and practiced.
If you have a child who may be ready to begin the process of becoming a communing member of Redeemer, please email When pursing children’s membership, you and your child will walk through eight lessons from Stephen Smallman’s Understanding the Faith (Chapters 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17). The workbook is a tool to foster conversations around some foundational beliefs to prepare your child for a public confession. The workbook can be found here. This workbook can help you work through questions with your child to prepare them to meet with our elders for membership.
Please contact Hannah Lown at if you are new to Redeemer and interested in serving in the children's ministry.
Hannah Lown, Director of Children’s Ministry